Within 45 Minutes

There's no such thing as a lack of opportunity, it really comes down to just the lack of preparedness.
The first photo session of the year happened for me by pure chance, I didn’t set out to create this set of photos but I was ready when I saw the opportunity in front of me.
In 2022 I didn’t create as much as I had in previous years, I experienced a lot of false blocks to my creativity. False because I repeatedly told myself that photos weren’t part of that particular day, or that the circumstances had to be a certain way in for me to create — complete bullshit logic. So for 2023, I told myself that everyday is a day to create, and that if I intersect with a photographic opportunity that I’ll be prepared to create.
I had a small pocket of time to run some errands last Wednesday, with the primary objective of picking up some books that I preordered. The opportunity for this photography session arose from the fact that I didn’t confirm when the store opened, I’ve always gone mid-day, long after they opened for the day. So given that I had 45 minutes to burn before they opened, I parked the car and walked the neighborhood. I did venture into one the neighborhoods I hung out in during my youth, I was curious to see how the things had changed — It has been years since I intentionally visited this community.
Overall, it was a great day for street photography, I headed back to the book store feeling very fulfilled with my creative exploration.
Hope you enjoy these photos!